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New version of Compact Talk

In the new version of Compact Talk, version 3.1, we take another step towards strengthening our integration possibilities by adding support for our new Picking display solution, which can now be customized through a built-in layout generator.

This means that you can quickly and easily change the names of headings, add and remove fields, change the order and size. This way, you get a display that clearly shows the information that is important to the operators in their work.

As we release version 3.1 of Compact Talk, we are adding functionality for robot integration and larger automation solutions through stop codes. There is also an extended event management which now, for the first time, means that a control system can follow the tray’s path – all the way from storage to opening and back to storage again. The stop codes mean that the parent system always has access to information about the complete status of the machine and the cell, both in operation and during downtime.

If you have any questions about automation solutions based on Compact Talk, or if you wish to update to the latest version, please contact our IT support at +46 371-344 44 or at itsupport@welandsolutions.se.


Publicerad 2020-11-24
